Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Pictures of Kingston Russell

in the county of Dorset
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About Kingston Russell

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Recommended towns & villages near Kingston Russell


Abbotsbury (104 Pictures) a Picturesque Village in the county of Dorset

(3.6 miles, 5.9 km, direction S of Kingston Russell)

Abbotsbury is a small picturesque and historic village in the county of Dorset...

Across the Fleet Lagoon

Langton Herring (1 Pictures) in the county of Dorset

(5.7 miles, 9.2 km, direction S of Kingston Russell)


Burton Bradstock, Dorset

Burton Bradstock (56 Pictures) a Picturesque Village in the county of Dorset

(5.7 miles, 9.2 km, direction W of Kingston Russell)

This in one of the most enchanting villages to be found along the sweeping Dorset coast. It has gorgeous little lanes where there are eye catching thatched cottages with walls.....

The Sydling Valley

Sydling St Nicholas (22 Pictures) a Picturesque Village in the county of Dorset

(5.9 miles, 9.6 km, direction NE of Kingston Russell)

This is a particularly scenic village lying deep in a chalk-stream valley between open downs. Every approach to it is beautiful, whether crossing the hills from Cerne Abbas or Maiden Newton, or coming up the waters of the River Cerne between meadows flooded with spring lambs and ponies...

Dorchester. Dorset

Dorchester (86 Pictures) a Historic Market Town in the county of Dorset

(6.8 miles, 11.0 km, direction E of Kingston Russell)

Dorchester is the county town of Dorset and is the heart of Thomas Hardy's Wessex. On the outskirts of the town you will find Hardy’s birthplace and family home in Higher.....

All towns & villages in Dorset
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Nearby attractions..

The Nine Stones, Stone Circle in Winterbourne Abbas, Dorset

The Nine Stones (1 Pictures)

(1.9 miles, 3.1 km, direction SE)


A picture of Abbotsbury Swannery

Abbotsbury Swannery (50 Pictures)

(4.5 miles, 7.2 km, direction S)

Set in one of the most beautiful unspoilt regions of England, Abbotsbury Swannery is home to sometimes up to 1000 beautiful.....

Maiden Castle, Dorset

Maiden Castle (10 Pictures)

(5.7 miles, 9.1 km, direction E)

The finest Iron Age hillfort in Europe, Maiden Castle is the size of 50 football pitches and was first built in 600BC over the.....

Chesil Beach

Chesil Beach (25 Pictures)

(6.4 miles, 10.3 km, direction S)

One of the most remarkable features of England's fantastic coastal scenery is the magnificent stretch known as Chesil Beach,.....

The Keep Military Museum, Dorchester. Dorset

The Keep Military Museum (15 Pictures)

(6.7 miles, 10.7 km, direction E)

This exciting keep is the home of the Military Museum of Devon and Dorset. Here visitors with a keen interest in all things.....

The Roman Town House, Dorchester, Dorset

Roman Town House (1 Pictures)

(6.8 miles, 10.9 km, direction E)

The Roman Town House was a discovery of the 1930's. From excavations beneath the ground came a rich feast of Roman history that.....

Cerne Giant in Cerne Abbas, Dorset.

Cerne Abbas Giant (2 Pictures)

(8.6 miles, 13.8 km, direction NE)

This magnificent figure cut into the turf of a chalk hillside is best viewed from the north of the village. He is known as "The.....

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All attractions in Dorset
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